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Безлюфтовый редуктор ALPHA LP
Безлюфтовый редуктор ALPHA LP

Прецизионные планетарные редукторы, серводвигатели, мотор-редукторы и актуаторы, комплектные приводы, миниатюрные двигатели и системы позиционирования используются при производстве роботов, станков и механизмов, в аэрокосмической промышленности и в медицине, в автомобилестроении и полиграфии.

Точные решения от Alpha применяются при строительстве болидов Формулы-1 и самоходных артиллерийских установок, для тренировок космонавтов и пилотов самолетов. Они обеспечивают спецэффекты в театре и кино и спасают человеческие жизни.

Герметично упакованные продукты питания, газеты и журналы, напечатанные на машинах с приводами от Alpha, лифты и эскалаторы с лебедками от Alpha, исследовательские комплексы и лаборатории, укомплектованные приводами Alpha, дирижабли, самолеты, корабли, автомобили, спутники и подводные лодки - инновационные продукты концерна находят применение в самых разных областях. Alpha действительно делает жизнь лучше.

Графические панели Weintek

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EasyBuilderPro 4.00.01
EasyBuilderPro 4.10.02
EasyBuilderPro 4.10.03
4 мегабайт

Каталог Weintek 2012
 Каталог Weintek 2012
389 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Cloud Human Machine Interface

One Gigabit Ethernet Port Built-in MB Flash Memory Fan-less Cooling System Power Isolator Inside Built-in mono speaker
Model Display Resolution (WxH dots) Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage Memory RAM Processor SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client I/O Port Ethernet COM Port Audio Output Video Input RTC Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation Power Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity PCB Coating CE Certificate UL Language Display Input Methods
cMT-iV .7”TFT x :1 LED >30, hrs. K Tempered Glass, Capacitive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% MB GB bits RISC Cortex A GHz N/A N/A N/A / / M N/A Built-in Mono Speaker N/A Built-in %VDC mA@24VDC Built-in V...
314 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Cloud Human Machine Interface

Two Gigabit Ethernet Ports Supports E-mail Compact Design and DIN-rail Mountable Built-in MB Flash Memory SD Card Slot for Extension of Storage One USB Host Port Fan-less Cooling System Supports MPI .5K Power Isolator Inside
x or x (Portrait mode) ARM Cortex A Mhz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x N/A / / M x 2
Display Memory Processor
Project Screen Size Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port CAN Bus HDMI
I/O Port
COM1 RS ,COM2 RS W/4W,COM3 RS- W N/A N/A Built-in (CR V lithium battery) %VDC mA@24V Built In VAC (1 min) Exceed M at VDC to Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G minutes) Plastic x x mm Approx. 0. kg mm DIN rail mounting -20° ~ °C (-4° ~ °F) -20° ~ °C (-4° ~ °F) % ~ % RH (non-condensing) CE markedcULus Listed EasyBuilder Pro V4.00. or later versions
Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation
Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions...
12 мегабайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Professional In Human Machine Interface
Perfectly Designed Extremely Easy
Professional in Human Machine Interface
High s StandardsAesthetic Appeal Sturdy Aluminum Casing Hig est Stand Highest Standards Aesthetic AppealSturdy Aluminum Casing tic al Sturdy minum Casing
The high-speed / MHz microprocessor has an outst nding data processing architecture that enha ces c tand o a ance communication throughput a d graphic display functional y to perform complicated animations and multi-page t an lity switching without delay Employs a sturdy aluminum casing s Viv sc ee s including a new ” by pixel TFT display Vivid screen d sp CANopen p n protocol support Iso on in VDC input Isolation in 4VDC t Isolation in RS /CAN bus ation RS /C CA u Accurate and reliable touchscreens with a guara Accurate re a ouch c ens with ranteed lifespan of one mil spa of one million continuous key presses pan pa p e o s key presses Industrial rade construction Industrial-Grade constr...
501 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Human Machine Interface with 7" TFT Display
Features Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design 7" x TFT LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel One USB Host and One USB Client Port SD Card Slot supports SD and SDHC cards Power Isolator Inside Com1 or Com3 RS W Supports MPI .5K CAN Bus Device Supports CANopen Protocol Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB) 7” TFT x :1 LED , hr. .7M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Bit RISC CPU MHz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x / Base-T COM1 (RS- /RS- W/4W), COM3(RS- /RS- W) Yes Audio Line Out - 3.5 mm jack x Built-in %VDC m A@24V Built In VAC (1 min) Exceed M at VDC to Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G minutes) Aluminum x x .5mm x mm Approx. 0.9 kg IP front panel (O ring seal) -20° ~ °C (-4° ~ °F) -20° ~ °C (-4° ~ °...
359 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
10.4" SVGA TFT Display HMI
Features .4" x TFT LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC IP Compliant Front Panel SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside Com1 or Com3 RS W Supports MPI .5K CAN Bus Device Supports CANopen Protocol Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB) .4” TFT x :1 LED , hr. K 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Bit RISC CPU MHz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x / Base-T COM1 (RS- /RS- W/4W),COM3(RS- /RS- W) Yes Audio Line Out - 3.5 mm jack x Yes %VDC m A@24V Built In VAC (1 min) Exceed M at VDC to Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G minutes) Plastic x x mm x Approx. 1.6 kg IP front panel (O ring seal) -20°~60°C (-4° ~ °F) 0°~ °C (32° ~ °F) % ~ % RH (non-condensing) EN : +A1 : EN -3-2 : +A2: EN -3-3 : EN : + A1: +A2 : Comply with FCC class A EasyBuilder Pro
536 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with .1" XVGA TFT Display
Features Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design Video Input Ports Support NTSC and PAL .1" x TFT Industrial Grade LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel Long Life LED Back Light with Ceramics Package SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside Com1 or Com3 RS W Supports MPI .5K CAN Bus Device Supports CANopen Protocol Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB) .1” TFT x :1 LED , hr. .2M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Bit RISC CPU MHz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x / Base-T COM1 (RS- /RS- W/4W), COM3(RS- /RS- W),CAN Bus Audio Line Out - 3.5 mm jack x NTSC/PAL RCA x Yes %VDC m A@24V Built In VAC (1 min) Exceed M at VDC to Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G minutes) Aluminum x x mm x Approx. 2.1 kg IP front ...
460 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with " XVGA TFT Display
Features Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design Video Input Ports Support NTSC and PAL " x TFT Industrial Grade LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel Long Life LED Back Light with Ceramics Package SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside Com1 or Com3 RS W Supports MPI .5K CAN Bus Device Supports CANopen Protocol Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Accuracy Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet ” TFT x :1 LED , hr. .2M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Bit RISC CPU MHz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x / Base-T COM1 (RS- /RS- W/4W), COM3(RS- /RS- W) Yes Audio Line Out - 3.5 mm jack x NTSC/PAL RCA x Yes %VDC m A@24V Built In VAC (1 min) Exceed M at VDC to Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G minutes) Aluminum x x mm x Approx. 2. kg IP fr...
356 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Human Machine Interface with 7" TFT Display
Features Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design 7" x TFT LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel One USB Host and One USB Client Port SD Card Slot supports SD and SDHC cards Power Isolator Inside CAN Bus Device Supported Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Support Windows CE 6.0
Touch Panel Memory Processor
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Accuracy Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet
I/O Port
COM Port CAN Bus Audio
Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
CE UL Software
7” TFT x :1 LED , hr. .7...
351 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
10.4" SVGA TFT Display HMI
Features .4" x TFT LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC IP Compliant Front Panel SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside CAN Bus Device Supported Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Support Windows CE 6.0
Touch Panel Memory Processor
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Accuracy Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port Audio
I/O Port
Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
CE Software
10.4” TFT x :1 LED , hr. K 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Bit RISC CPU MHz SD/SDHC USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x / Base-T COM1 (RS...
596 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with .1" XVGA TFT Display
Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design .1" x TFT Industrial Grade LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel Long Life LED Back Light with Ceramics Package SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside CAN Bus Device Supported Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Support Windows CE 6.0
Touch Panel Memory Processor
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Accuracy Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port Audio
I/O Port
Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
Environment CE UL Software
12.1” TFT x :1 LED , hr....
443 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with " XVGA TFT Display
Features Aluminum Housing and Brand-new Color & Design " x TFT Industrial Grade LCD Fan-less Cooling System Built- in MB Flash Memory and RTC NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel Long Life LED Back Light with Ceramics Package SD Card Slot Supports SD/SDHC Cards Power Isolator Inside CAN Bus Device Supported Com1 / Com3 RS & CAN Bus Built-in Isolation Support Windows CE 6.0
Touch Panel Memory Processor
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Accuracy Storage(MB) RAM (MB) SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet
I/O Port
COM Port CAN Bus Audio
Input Power Power Consumption Power Isolation Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
CE UL Software
15” TFT x :1 LED ,...
FLZ23000_FLZ485000_ Datasheet_120322.pdf
182 килобайт

FLZ23000_FLZ485000_ Datasheet_120322.pdf
 Текст извлеченный из документа
eMT series RS- / RS- / CAN Bus Cable
Features Multi-Connector Cable for port: RS- / RS- / CAN Bus Introduction These two types of cable can be adopted by the following models: eMT A1 eMT P1 / eMT A1 / eMT A1
Cable Connetor Molded Color
FLZ UL AWG 3C L: mm UL AWG 5C L: mm DB 9P Female Solder Type x DB 9P Male Solder Type x PVC Black
FLZ : UL AWG 3C L: mm UL AWG 5C L: mm DB 9P Female Solder Type x DB 9P Male Solder Type x PVC Black

P1 P P3 P




P1 P2 HMI COM1 RS /COM3 RS /CAN (DB 9P Male) COM1 RS wire (DB 9P Male) P3 P4 COM3 RS wire (DB 9P Male) CAN bus (DB 9P Female)



P1 P2 HMI COM1 RS /COM3 RS (DB 9P Female) COM1 RS (DB 9P Male) P3 COM3...
763 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i
Human Machine Interface with 4.3" TFT LCD display
4.3" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB client port Power Isolator Inside Com1 RS supports MPI .5K
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT i includes a USB 2.0 high speed device.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Pixel pitch (HxV, mm) Viewing angle (°) ° Luminance (cd/m2) Backlight Backlight Life time Contrast ratio TFT LCD 4.3" x . x 0. /70/70/70(T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: 4.3" , color TFT LCD CPU and core logic: Bit RISC MHz processor DRAM: MB DDR2 on board Storage...
645 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with 7" TFT Display
" x TFT LCD, LED Backlight Slim design
Fan-less Cooling System USB Client Port for downloading projects.
COM1 and COM3 [RS ]2W support MPI .5K, please use one at one time NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB)
USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port
I/O Port
Input Power Power Consumption Power Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
Certificate Software
7”TFT x :1 LED >30, hr. M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% Cortex A Bit RISC MHz Processor USB 2.0 x USB 2.0 x N/A Com1: RS- /RS- w/4w, Com3:RS- w Built-in % VDC mA@24VDC VAC (1 min) Excee...
387 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Human Machine Interface with 7" TFT LCD display Features
" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port Power Isolator inside Com1 RS & Com3 RS support MPI .5K (Not allowed to use both simultaneously)
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT iH is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, and a USB 2.0 high speed device.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Pixel pitch (HxV, mm) Viewing angle () Luminance (cd/m ) Backlight
TFT LCD 7" x . x 0. /50/70/70(T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: 7" , c...
312 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i
Windows CE touch panel computer with 7" TFT LCD display
" x TFT LCD MHz RISC CPU Fan-less cooling system NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Lights One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside.
The MT i is a miniature and compact platform with no redundant functions. Its RISC kernel, the ARM high performance micro-processor, supports Windows CE. ARM EJ core integrates a 2D Graphics Accelerator and an added low power mode. The MT i is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Pixel pitch (HxV, mm) Viewing angle () Luminance (cd/m2) Backlight Backlight Life time Contrast ratio TFT LCD 7" x . x 0. /60/65/ (T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: 7" , color TFT LCD CPU and core logic: Bits RISC MHz processor DRAM: MB DDR2 on board Storage: MB flash memory...
810 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i
Human Machine Interface with " TFT LCD display
10" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside Com1 RS supports MPI .5K
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT i is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Viewing angle (°) ° Luminance (cd/m ) Backlight Backlight Life time Contrast ratio
TFT LCD " x /65/65/65(T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: " , color TFT LCD CPU...
377 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i

Human Machine Interface with " TFT LCD display
10" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside
The MT i is a miniature and compact platform that has no redundant functions. Its RISC kernel, the ARM high performance micro-processor, that supports Windows CE. The ARM EJ core, the integration of a 2D Graphics Accelerator, an added low power mode. The MT i is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Viewing angle () Luminance (cd/m ) Backlight Backlight Life time
TFT LCD " x /65/65/65(T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: " , color TFT LCD CPU and core logic: Bit RISC MHz processor DRAM: MB DDR2 on board Storage: MB flash memory on boa...
750 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
X CPU Core Touch Panel Computer with .4" SVGA TFT display
10.4" SVGA TFT LCD AMD GeodeTM LX / MHz core processor speed Fan-less cooling system Disk on module and Windows CE or XPE OS inside NEMA4/IP compliant front panel On-board MB DDR- MHz SDRAM -pin IDE interface High performance 2D accelerator graphic controller, supporting 8~64MB shared display memory
The MT XH is a miniature and compact platform that has excellent system performance and function. The x CPU Core provides the maximum compatibility with the vast amount of Internet content available while the intelligent integration of several other functions, including graphics, makes the AMD GeodeTM LX processor a true system level multimedia solution.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Viewing angle (°) ° Luminance (cd/m2) Backlight Backlight life time (avg.) Contrast ratio TFT LCD .4" x /65/65/ (T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
7 мегабайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Professional In Human Machine Interface
Perfectly Designed Extremely Easy
Professional in Human Machine Interface
S er i es
The combination of fast MHz RISC CPU and powerful EasyBuilder configuration software, i Series can fulfill all you need in a HMI. The quality widescreen of i Series offers users more screen space to handle dynamic graphics, and the LED backlights ensure no turning yellow phenomenon on the screen after long-time use. The 7” x widescreen models can satisfy the need in display of high quality. A ” x widescreen LCD offers % more pixel coverage than a .4” x LCD. Built-in power isolation technology makes i Series more reliable in noisy environment. The direct connection of HMI USB 2.0 client and PC USB interfaces offers high-speed transmission in project and data. Usage of USB Flash Drivers or SD memory cards is available for most of the i Series models to make data storing, project download, recipe upload/download, etc. more easily. The larg...
670 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with 4.3" TFT Display
.3" x TFT LCD, LED Backlight Slim design
PCB coating process ensures high reliability to resist from corrosive in harsh environment Fan-less Cooling System
COM1 and COM3 [RS ]2W support MPI .5K, please use one at one time NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel
Display Resolution (WxH dots) Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Display Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB)
Processor I/O Port RTC
Input Power Power Consumption Voltage Resistance Power Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity USB Host Ethernet COM Port
4.3”TFT x :1 LED >30, hrs. M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Width(Y)2% bits RISC Cortex-A MHz USB 2.0 x RJ port (10/ Base-T) Com1: RS- /RS- w/4w, Com3:RS- w Built-in %VDC mA@24VDC VAC...
373 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i
Human Machine Interface with 4.3" TFT LCD display Features
4.3" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light Ethernet Port (10/ Base-T) Power Isolator Inside Com1 RS supports MPI .5K
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT i includes an Ethernet Port (10/ Base-T)
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Pixel pitch (HxV, mm) Viewing angle (°) Luminance (cd/m ) Backlight Backlight Life time Contrast ratio
TFT LCD 4.3" x . x 0. /70/70/70(T/B/R/L) LED , hrs. :1
Construction: plastic molding housing Display: 4.3" , color TFT LCD CPU and core logic: Bit RISC MHz processor DRAM: MB DDR2 on boa...
390 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Human Machine Interface with 7" TFT LCD display Features
" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside Com1 RS & Com3 RS support MPI .5K (Not allowed to use both simultaneously)
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. Through the most popular Ethernet connection, data can be shared among MT s without limitation and any SCADA/HMI software on the PC can simply access data from MT s.MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT iH is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Pixel pitch (...
567 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with " TFT Display
" x TFT LCD, LED Backlight Slim design

PCB coating process ensures high reliability to resist from corrosion in harsh environment Com1 / Com3 RS dual isolation design ensures reliable operation in complex grounding application Fan-less Cooling System
COM1 and COM3 [RS ]2W support MPI .5K, please use one at one time NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Display Contrast Ratio Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB)
Processor I/O Port RTC
Input Power Power Consumption Power Voltage Resistance Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity USB Host Ethernet COM Port
10”TFT x :1 LED >30, hr. K 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, ...
794 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
MT i
Human Machine Interface with " TFT LCD display
10" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside Com1 RS supports MPI .5K
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. Through the most popular Ethernet connection, data can be shared among MT s without limitation and any SCADA/HMI software on the PC can simply access data from MT s.MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT i is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Viewing angle (°) ° Luminance (cd/m ) Backlight Backlight Lif...
804 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
Human Machine Interface with .4" TFT LCD display
10.4" x TFT LCD Fan-less cooling system Built-in flash memory and RTC NEMA4/IP compliant front panel LED Back Light One USB Host and one USB client port SD card slot Power Isolator inside Com1 RS supports MPI .5K
MT series is the new HMI generation of Weintek. With the design concept of meeting customers’ satisfaction while easy-to-Use attribute as before, a MT not only performs as a Human Machine Interface but also plays as a role of data exchange center. Through the most popular Ethernet connection, data can be shared among MT s without limitation and any SCADA/HMI software on the PC can simply access data from MT s.MT series is the best choice for your requirement tomorrow. The MT iH is equipped with a USB 1.1 host, a USB 2.0 high speed device and SD card slot.
LCD Display
Display type Display size (diagonal) Max colors Resolution Viewing angle (°) ° Luminance (cd/m2) Backlight Backlig...
667 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with .1" TFT Display
.1" x TFT LCD, LED Backlight Slim design
Fan-less Cooling System Built-in MB Flash Memory SD Card Slot for Extension of Storage One USB Host Port and one USB Client Port
COM1 and COM3 RS Built-in Isolation COM1 and COM3 RS W support MPI .5K, please use one at one time Built-in Power Isolator NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Display Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB)
SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port
I/O Port
Input Power Power Consumption Voltage Resistance Power Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
Certificate Software
12.1”TFT x :1 LED >50, hrs. .2M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%...
630 килобайт

 Текст извлеченный из документа
HMI with " TFT Display
" x TFT LCD, LED Backlight Slim design
Fan-less Cooling System Built-in MB Flash Memory SD Card Slot for Extension of Storage One USB Host Port and one USB Client Port
COM1 and COM3 RS Built-in Isolation COM1 and COM3 RS W support MPI .5K, please use one at one time Built-in Power Isolator NEMA4/IP Compliant Front Panel
Display Resolution Brightness (cd/m ) Contrast Ratio Display Backlight Type Backlight Life Time Colors Type Touch Panel Accuracy Storage(MB) Memory RAM (MB)
SD Card Slot USB Host USB Client Ethernet COM Port
I/O Port
Input Power Power Consumption Voltage Resistance Power Isolation Resistance Vibration Endurance Enclosure Dimensions WxHxD Specification Panel Cutout (mm) Weight (kg) Protection Structure Storage Temperature Environment Operating Temperature Relative Humidity
Certificate Software
15”TFT x :1 LED >50, hrs. .2M 4-wire Resistive Type Active Area Length(X)2%, Widt...

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